" Are Rottweilers Good with Kids? – Wild Earth
are rottweilers good for families

Are Rottweilers Good with Kids?

by Andrew Ehlert

Many Rottweiler owners are curious to know if these dogs are good with kids. Rottweilers can make great family pets, but they require the same amount of care and attention as any other dog.

If you're interested in knowing more about Rottweilers and whether or not they make good family dogs for children, read on.

Are Rottweilers Good with Kids?

Rottweilers are one of the top dogs that people might recommend for families with children. This is because rottweilers generally have a gentle demeanor, which makes them ideal for handling kids. They also tend to be very patient animals. All in all, rottweilers make great family pets!

You've probably already seen this from your favorite movies or TV shows: Rotties can make excellent companions when dealing with young children. Puppy training classes and socialization at an early age can help ensure they grow up good-natured and friendly around others; however, it should always be supervised by someone who knows how to restrain large dog breeds like Rotties if there are any signs of aggression.

Rotties are very patient being around children, and rottweilers, in general, tend to have a gentle demeanor. They also generally don't bark or growl at small kids (which is always helpful) and they're usually more playful than aggressive. These dogs can be surprisingly sweet when it comes to interacting with toddlers who might not know how rough certain pets can get! However, Rotties do need plenty of socialization during puppy training classes, as well as ongoing exposure to new people and places so that you can give your Rottie positive experiences with them from an early age--a Rottie may behave differently if left alone for too long without any human contact.

Lastly, rottweilers will sometimes drool and slobber. even if they are generally well-behaved. Make sure you have a rottweiler that there is water nearby and also plan for some extra clean-up on the carpet or furniture.

What Makes A Rottweiler A Good Family Dog?

It’s not just their loyalty and strength, but also the rottweiler's gentleness. The rottweiler is known to have a low aggression level when properly trained which makes it an ideal companion for families with small children. They are even said to help new mothers by taking care of them while they sleep or collect during feeding times. The Rottie will lay near babies in cribs and nudge them awake if there is an issue! This breed does seem like man’s best friend. These intelligent dogs can learn hundreds of commands, easily obeying your every command at the sound of one word. With rottweilers, you’ll always know where they are and what they're doing.

Rotties make great guard dogs because of their size. The rottweiler is a large dog with an immense amount of strength. They can be quite intimidating if need be! In some cases, rottweilers have been used as police or military service dogs due to their intelligence level and physical capability. These breeds also love being outside in the sunshine but do require regular exercise or else they will become restless indoors. The rottweiler needs lots of attention too so if you don't want a clingy companion this may not be the breed for you.

Rotties are an intelligent breed and they like to be challenged. They love a good game of fetch or Frisbee tossing! You can also make them smarter by training tricks with your Rottie pup; just remember that these high-energy dogs need plenty of exercise as well.

Rottweilers need to have contact with their humans for the dog's temperament to remain calm and stable. Rottie needs a strong leader who sets rules but will also reward them when they do something right. These breeds aren't recommended if you're looking for a guard dog because they won't defend on command unless threatened first, they'll act out of fear, not aggression which isn't good for rottweilers.

Why You Should Adopt A Rottweiler

There are many reasons to adopt a rottweiler. The rottweiler breed is said to be the most loyal dog in the world, and they often go above and beyond for their owners. They make great guard dogs due to their size but also because of how protective they can be towards their family members. If you're looking for a pet that will take care of your home when you're gone then Rotties might just fit that need too! Rottie's have an average life span of 12-14 years so adopting one means getting more than just a new friend - it means committing yourself to care for them throughout each stage of life until they pass on naturally.

The rottweiler breed is also very intelligent and easy to train. They thrive on human contact so having a Rottie means you'll always have someone by your side, even when everyone else has left the room. Rotties are often praised for their eagerness in learning new tasks because of how quickly they grasp concepts - which once learned, can be used again with ease! Trainers find Rotties especially useful because they're not as stubborn or difficult as other breeds might be. All this makes rottweilers an excellent dog choice if you want to teach them tricks or commands, but don't know where to start from scratch without breaking down every lesson into steps that make sense (just like any pet would).

How To Train A Rottweiler As A Family Dog

Rottweilers are typically territorial dogs and can be difficult to train if they aren’t trained from a young age. Make sure that rottweiler has an outlet for their energy, such as a dog park or running in the backyard. This will help keep them calm when indoors.

Teach your Rottie not to jump on people by using both negative reinforcement (i.e., don't let him/her up) and positive reinforcement (giving praise after he doesn't jump on you).

Keep training sessions short so it does not lose interest; a few minutes per session is enough time. You should never play tug of war with Rotties because they cannot tolerate being shaken around to win at this game.

Take care of Rottie's needs first, such as food and water. If Rotties are not being fed adequately or do not have a lot of fresh drinking water available to them after training sessions, they may refuse to train further.

Don't play rough with the rottweiler! Roughhousing can be counterintuitive - don’t make your Rottie think it has control over you.

Keep in mind that rottweilers need some outside time for proper mental health; dogs are social creatures who crave attention from people other than just their family members. A dog park is an excellent place for this type of activity. Reward good behavior when necessary by providing treats or praise. This will help reinforce positive behaviors instead of Rotties being reinforced for the negative ones.

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