15 Amusing Videos of Dogs to Keep You Entertained
We've searched the internet for the best videos of the week! Here are some amusing videos of dogs to keep you entertained while you are at home!
1. A dog is a baby’s best friend!
@merrymouse92 ##babytiktok ##babiesoftiktok ##tiktokbabies ##babytiktoker ##dogsoftiktok ##goodboy ##tiktokdogs ##tiktokdog ##huskymix ##cute
♬ You are my best friend - shainaepeck
2. Ultimate test of a good girl!
@amymariegaertner ultimate test of a good girl Duet this with your dogs!! ✨
♬ Stop! Wait a Minute - Bruno Mars, Tik Tok
3. This dog has the cutest happy dance!
@sadmaxfuryroad This dog we had in yesterday single handedly cured my depression ##vetlife ##happy ##dance
♬ Bath time Nintendogs - quantum_queer
4. This dog gets so confused when the dog in the TV disappears
@s.parked doghosted but he wasn’t good enough anyway ##dogsoftiktok ##reallifeathome ##dogs
♬ Chinese New Year - SALES
5. This dog is surprisingly nimble!
@captains_adventure when u actually have 2 cats *part 2* ##petlife ##golden ##goldenretriever ##foryou ##fyp ##keepingbusy ##siblingcheck ##cat ##kitty ##goodboy ##brothers ##dog ##fy
♬ Eine kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart
6. This dog is so excited when people are clapping for her!
@timdemirjian This is the best trend ##tiktokcovers ##cute ##dog ##petlover ##dogs ##dogsoftiktok ##quarantine ##tiktok ##quarantinelife ##family
♬ original sound - timdemirjian
7. A puppy taking a bath for the first time!
@kobethesmoodle First bath !! ##bathttime ##fyp ##foryou ##puppy ##cute ##petlife ##petvlog ##puppylove ##cutepet ##bath ##dog
♬ Buttercup - Jack Stauber
8. This dog has so much self control!
@duckytheyorkie Didn’t think he could do it ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##puppy ##dogsoftiktok ##dogchallenge
♬ original sound - duckytheyorkie
9. How to tell a deaf dog how to go for a walk
@themilestwins Telling my deaf dog it’s time to go for a walk ##fyp ##dog ##deaf ##foryoupage
♬ original sound - themilestwins
10. Doing a photoshoot with your dog at home
@huxleythepandapuppy Things to do during quarantine part 3 (results at the end) ##pandapuppy ##diy ##doglover
♬ Magic In The Hamptons - Social House
11. When your dog is too smart for you to trick her into cutting her nails
@genesiisreyesss She’s smart I’ll give her that ##fyp ##foryoupage
♬ original sound - genesiisreyesss
12. Now this is a genius way to clip your dog's nails without them protesting!
@linds.shelton Need help clipping your dogs nails? I gotchu. ##dogsoftiktok ##tiktokdogs ##tiktokdiy ##fyp ##foryoupage ##smallgestures
♬ original sound - linds.shelton
13. The story of how Doug the Pug got famous!
@dougthepug How Doug The Pug Got Famous - Part 1 ##dougthepug ##foryoupage
♬ original sound - dougthepug
14. Look at this proud mom carrying her baby
@gofetch Look at this proud mother carrying her baby ##fyp ##foryou ##foryoupage ##dog ##doggo ##dogsoftiktok ##puppydog ##puppylab ##babylab
♬ I Have Died Everyday Waiting for You - Layla Foster
15. When you care for your dog so much
@sashamorpeth My boyfriend/husband better do this for me!! ##fyp ##myparents ##foryou ##momdadlove
♬ original sound - sashamorpeth