Are Australian Shepherds Hypoallergenic?
Australian Shepherds are a popular dog breed, but is it true that they are hypoallergenic? The answer to this question is not as simple as "yes" or "no." Some people who have allergies may be able to tolerate Australian Shepherds because of the double coat that these dogs have. This means that there may be less shedding and dander than with other breeds. However, for some people who have allergies, Australian Shepherds might not cut it. If you're allergic to pet hair in general, then an Aussie Shepherd isn't for you.
What Is A Hypoallergenic Dog?
The term “hypoallergenic” has become common in the pet industry. Dogs with this type of coat do not shed like most other animals and are less likely to trigger allergic reactions when people come into contact with them. However, it should be noted that there are no true hypoallergenic dogs out there - just breeds considered "less allergenic."
So what do you need to know if you're looking for one? Well first off, anything from Yorkshire Terriers or Lhasa Apsos will cause little to no allergic reactions for most people.
Answering the question, 'are Australian shepherds hypoallergenic?' can be difficult. If your skin is sensitive or you have asthma, talk to your doctor about what type of pet may be best for you. The key thing is that many people find they don't experience any symptoms when around an Australian shepherd and some others feel better in their presence because it's not as all-pervasive as regular shedding coats like those found on labradors or cocker spaniels.
The Australian Shepherd is also a very friendly dog, which some people find makes them feel better around animals in general because they don't have to worry about the animal being aggressive or attacking them. Additionally, Aussies can be easy for kids to handle without getting hurt as well and they're happy just hanging out with you on your couch with the family if they get enough exercise Lastly, shepherds are typically quite active so that means if you're not an avid exerciser it's still possible to get your blood pumping by taking your pup outside for walks or letting him play fetch in the yard.
We talk about Aussies and allergies in our Australian Shepherd Skin Allergies Guide.
Is an Australian Shepherd hypoallergenic
Australian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic because they shed. Generally, Australian Shepherds are not hypoallergenic because they shed. When people experience allergies to animals it is usually due to the animal's dander and saliva which can be found on their fur or in their paws when they walk around. These allergens can also transfer from one surface (like a couch) onto another surface like your clothes or even into your bedsheets if you're petting him while he lays next to you. To make them less allergenic, try grooming with a brush weekly and wash his dog bedding every other week to try to keep excessive shedding down.
Aussie’s have been bred from large herding and working breeds like Collies (Australian Cattle Dogs) and German Shepherds, so while it is possible an Australian Shepherd could cause problems with allergies if someone was already suffering from them before getting their new pet, most people find that these adorable animals do not bother allergy sufferers at all. They don't grow as tall as some other similar-sized breeds, which can make them a little easier to handle.
Australian Shepherds are also very intelligent and eager to please - they do not need much in the way of training, but will demonstrate their intelligence with obedience tasks if given the chance. They're also easy going enough that they can be left alone all day without too many accidents or issues like chewing on furniture when bored. If you think your home might not have space for an energetic herding breed, then this could be a good choice.
Why are some dogs considered to be more hypoallergenic than others
Some breeds are considered hypoallergenic because they produce very little to no allergens. These breeds tend to be hairless and shed very little. They also don't reproduce a lot of allergens through dander, which we'll break down now.
Some dogs produce fewer allergens than others because they have low shedding rates or do not shed at all, as well as due to lack of production from the dog's animal proteins like saliva and urine (including breeds such as Irish Setters and Springer Spaniels). Some breeds are considered hypoallergenic because they produce little-to-no allergic reactions. These types of dogs usually come in one out of five different coat textures: hairless, short-haired/long-haired mix with some hair, short-haired with no undercoat, long-haired without an undercoat, and long hair with a thick undercoat.
Studies have shown that Australian Shepherds may be categorized as this type of dog due to their low shedding rates (not high) or complete lack of shedding at all. The combination of these factors could make them hypoallergenic.
Tips for living with a dog if you have allergies
If you have extreme allergies to dogs but are required to live with one there are a few things that can be done. Tips include:
- Wear protective clothing, including gloves and closed shoes whenever you're around the animals; washing your clothes after contact will help remove allergens from them.
- Wash pets often using pet shampoo instead of human soap or detergent if possible - it is both less irritating for allergic people and better for the animal as well
- Keep houseplants away from allergies sufferers, due to pollen or fungal spores they can release into the air. You should also vacuum frequently with a HEPA filter so dust doesn't get all over surfaces in your home where sensitive individuals might breathe it in without realizing it. If you don't want to give up your houseplants, you could try soaking them in water overnight before watering with a diluted bleach solution.
- Keep allergen levels low by not eating foods that are high in allergens like peanuts or tree nuts and dust mites from carpets as much as possible
- Use an air purifier if animal dander is a problem for you - this will help remove pet hair and other particles such as pollen or mold spores from the air around you so it doesn't accumulate on surfaces where allergic people might touch without realizing it was there
- Hang laundry outside during dry spells; keep floors vacuumed often since they can collect more dander than furniture does.