" Are Cocker Spaniels Hypoallergenic? – Wild Earth
Are Cocker Spaniels Hypoallergenic?

Are Cocker Spaniels Hypoallergenic?

by Andrew Ehlert

Cocker Spaniels are a popular family pet, but are they hypoallergenic? The answer to this question is not as clear-cut as you might think. Some Cocker Spaniels may be more likely to trigger allergies than others, but each dog should be judged on an individual basis.

If you have allergies and live with someone who struggles with them too, everyone in your household needs to read about how different breeds of dog can affect allergy sufferers differently before making a decision on which breed would work best for your home.

What is a Cocker Spaniel?

A Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized breed of dog that was originally bred as hunting dogs. The cocker spaniel is the smallest member of the sporting group, which includes other popular breeds such as Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers. Cockers are known for their intelligence, good temperaments, and easy trainability.

They're also recognized for being friendly with both people they know well and strangers alike. Cockers were among some of America's most popular pets in the 1950s but their popularity has waned since then because many prospective owners feared these pups would be too "spunky" or difficult to take care of.

Why do people think Cocker Spaniels are hypoallergenic?

This is because Cocker Spaniels are typically a non-shedding dog breed. According to experts, the amount of hair they shed is comparable to that of humans (about 100 strands per day). The myth may have originated from when some people with pet allergies had good luck being around Cocker Spaniels without experiencing any allergic reactions.

Nowadays, it seems more likely that these people simply didn’t know about their allergy or only became aware after years of exposure to these dogs and thus were able to enjoy them. The amount of fur that a dog sheds can vary drastically and the severity of the allergic reaction from individuals can also vary.

Is there anything I can do to make my dog less likely to cause an allergic reaction

Take your dog for regular grooming and, if possible, brush them outside. This will help to maintain a healthy coat of fur that can contain dander better than an unkempt one. Keep the house as clean as you are able this includes washing pet hair off furniture or carpets regularly (and also vacuuming!). Ask relatives who come over with pets to refrain from bringing their animals inside where they could be in contact with yours after being out in public areas like parks or sidewalks. Ask your vet for a referral to a dermatologist if you have questions about the frequency and type of treatments. Keep pets off furniture that people sit on (or at least cover it with an allergy-proof cover). If possible, only allow animals inside that are not likely to cause allergic reactions.

Avoid letting pets sleep in the bed or other areas where humans spend long periods together without taking precautions like washing sheets and air filters after the animal has left. This is especially important when children are involved as they tend to be more sensitive than adults due to their developing immune systems(source).

What are the Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction to a Cocker Spaniel?

If you experience any signs or symptoms following your exposure, then your pet may be causing them. These can include redness and itching at the site of contact with the animal's saliva, skin lesions from scratching, nasal congestion (runny nose), sneezing, wheezing whistling sounds when breathing out that cannot be attributed to asthma attacks, generalized hives on both sides of the body. Itching might not occur for up to 72 hours after it begins due to delayed reactions in some people.

Itchiness and scratch marks on your skin, sudden onset of hives, hay fever symptoms (like sneezing or itchy eyes), swelling around the lips/eyes, difficulty breathing.

If you think that you may have an allergic reaction to a dog while petting one for the first time, stop touching him. The best thing to do is call 911 if any serious reactions are noticed as soon as possible! If not too severe at first but then worsens quickly, seek medical attention immediately by calling 911.

Benadryl for dogs or for dog owners can be beneficial when dealing with allergy symptoms.

The Benefits of Owning a Cocker Spaniel

They are not aggressive. A Cocker Spaniel is a low shedder, with the least amount of shedding out of all breeds in general and especially when compared to other dogs like Poodles for example who have been known to leave behind huge quantities of hairballs on carpets if they aren't groomed. Cocker Spaniels are intelligent and enjoy being around people. This type of pet will provide you with company, loyalty, love, and joy every day that you have them in your life.

In general, Cocker Spaniels can live up to 12-14 years old. They are a small breed of dog and have very low chances of becoming obese if they're given sufficient exercise. For the most part, "Cockers" will not be able to jump on furniture or counters like other breeds such as Jack Russell Terriers for example who might want to explore everything in your house at one time which could lead them into trouble with getting onto countertops etcetera.

The Struggles of Owning a Cocker Spaniel if You Have Allergies

Cocker Spaniels are not hypoallergenic. One dog in three has an allergy to dogs, and their immune system overreacts with symptoms ranging from red eyes and skin irritation to life-threatening breathing difficulties. The same is true for any breed of pet, so just because the Cocker Spaniel isn't a common cause of allergies doesn't make it safe for everyone. Also be aware that many people find dander (small pieces of shed hair) or saliva on their clothes after being around pets, both signs of allergens if someone is allergic.

A lot of people also find that they're allergic to a dog's fur. While the Cocker Spaniel typically doesn't shed as much hair, it still sheds enough for some people to have an allergy. It can be difficult for pet owners and those with allergies to figure out what is causing their reactions at first because dogs' skin will react differently than humans'.

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