Can Dogs Eat Cabbage? Is It Good For Dogs?
Yes, dogs can eat cabbage and it can even provide a few additional vitamins and minerals to their diet that commercial dog food doesn't offer. Cabbage as well as other vegetables can provide your dog with a low calorie snack that also provides additional vitamins such as Vitamin K, C, B6, and more.
Many commercial dog foods are low in important vitamins, healthy dietary fiber, and essential minerals, which means providing the occasional healthy snack to your dogs diet can be beneficial.
Is Cabbage Safe For Dogs?
Yes, cabbage is safe for dogs to eat but just like other types of foods it is important to introduce your dog to cabbage slowly. When introducing cabbage to your dogs diet it is best not to feed them too much at once, make sure you introduce the vegetable gradually over time so that they can get used to its taste and texture. Eventually however, canines will enjoy eating this nutrient rich plant as well, just like many other types of animals. (Other types of veggies your dog might like are spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, pickles, or even celery.)
Before introducing your dog to cabbage or any type of new food it is recommended that you speak with your veterinarian as they will have a better understanding of the health of your dog.
Benefits of Feeding Cabbage To Dogs?
Cabbage and other vegetables can provide a variety of health benefits to your dog. Some of the health benefits associated with feeding your dog cabbage can be:
- Increased immunity from colds and other illnesses.
- Can help reduce intestinal gas in some dogs.
- Can be beneficial for dogs who are sick or have digestive problems (such as constipation).
- Can provide nutritional value when combined with their dog food and grated cheese if you want to mix things up a bit.
- Can make an excellent appetite stimulant thanks to its high fiber content which helps regulate blood sugar levels after meals by slowing down digestion and promoting feelings of fullness.
- Cabbage also has vitamin K, B6, B1, copper, potassium, manganese, and other beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Risks Involved With Giving Dogs Cabbage
Although there are health benefits associated with giving cabbage to your dog, it is also important to understand that you should only give dogs vegetables in moderation. Too much cabbage can cause an upset stomach or other GI complications.
- Too much cabbage can sometimes cause stomach upset in dogs.
- Large amounts of cabbage can cause excess gas in dogs.
- Large amounts of cabbage can damage your dog's tooth enamel and make them more susceptible to plaque buildup, which can lead to gum disease (pyorrhea).
How To Serve Cabbage To Dogs
If you plan on feeding cabbage to your dog it is typically recommended that you clean and cook the cabbage before giving it to your dog. Raw cabbage can provide slightly more nutrients to your dog but raw cabbage in excess can cause an upset stomach in your dog. No matter what type of cabbage you feed your dog it is important that you only feed it to them in moderation. Feeding your dog too much cabbage can cause them stomach and digestive discomfort.
Can Dogs Have Cabbage? Final Verdict
Yes, dogs can have cabbage and they can even see health benefits such as additional vitamins and minerals from eating cabbage. However, eating too much cabbage or leafy vegetables can cause an upset stomach so we recommend only feeding cabbage to your dog in moderation. It is important to speak with your vet before introducing new types of food into your dogs diet as they have a better understanding of the health of your dog.