" Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Yes, When Cooked – Wild Earth
can dogs have eggs

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Are They Good For Dogs?

by Andrew Ehlert

Yes, dogs can eat cooked eggs, as they provide a good source of protein and healthy fat, as well as many vitamins and minerals. Never feed raw eggs as they can contain bacteria that can be harmful to dogs. As with any food, it is important not to overfeed.

Additionally, if your pet suffers from a disease which requires nutritional management, it is best to speak with your veterinarian before feeding eggs.

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Benefits of Feeding Dogs Eggs

Feeding your dog a small amount of egg once in a while can provide a wide variety of different health benefits for your dog, and each part of the egg has a unique benefit. One egg contains 6 grams of high quality protein and 5 grams of healthy fats. About half of the protein is contained in the yolk and half in the egg white.

Eggs are considered a good source of high quality protein because they contain all 10 essential amino acids your dog needs. Additionally, the healthy fat - specifically omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids - which are concentrated in the egg yolk, play a role in keeping your pup’s coat shiny and joints healthy.

The benefits of eggs don’t stop there - they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals too. These include:

  • Selenium
  • Phosphorus
  • Choline
  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • B Vitamins (B12, B2 and B5)
  • Plus Vitamins D, E, K, B6, calcium and zinc in lower amounts!

Eggs are also a great source of antioxidants, especially those important for eye health. As you can see, eggs can provide a multitude of benefits for your dog! Another plus- they are easy to digest!

How Many Eggs Can Dogs Eat?

Eggs are calorically dense which means if you give your dog eggs too often then there is a chance that they will gain weight. It is not recommended for a dog to eat more than ONE egg per day. As with any new food or snack, you should speak to your veterinarian before giving, and always start by giving a small amount first to make sure your dog is not allergic.

Keep in mind that one egg contains about 70 calories, and only 10% of a dog’s daily calories should come from food other than their nutritionally complete and balanced dog food.

What Kind of Eggs Can Dogs Eat?

Dogs can eat most types of eggs - this includes egg whites, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and more! When cooking eggs, make sure to use a very small amount of oil, if any. It is not recommended to add any dairy products such as butter, cheese or milk as they can be more difficult for your dog to digest, and are common dog food allergens.

Boiled eggs are safe for dogs as long as they have no other ingredients in them such as salt, pepper, or other additives. You should remove all peelings from boiled eggs due to possible salmonella risk for the bacteria on the peelings.

Dogs should never be fed raw eggs due to possible pathogens inside, such as Salmonella, which can cause serious illness in pets, and can also lead to further health complications.

Are There Any Risks With Feeding Egg To Your Dog?

There can be some risks when it comes to feeding your dog eggs. Some dogs can be allergic to eggs, which is why it is recommended to feed a small amount first. Additionally, as mentioned above, raw eggs can contain bacteria which can be harmful to your pup.

Can Dogs Have Eggs? Final Verdict

Can dogs have eggs? Yes, but make sure they are cooked. It is important that you prepare the eggs correctly prior to feeding them to your dog, and it is recommended that you speak to your veterinarian prior to giving your dog any new types of food.

We are Wild Earth, a wellness company that develops plant-based food and health products for dogs. While we support feeding dogs in a cruelty-free way, we respect every parent's choice to feed what they believe is best for their dog. We strive to provide well-rounded advice and resources, so there may be times where we discuss the nutritional benefits of animal-sourced ingredients on our blog. We hope this information is helpful.

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