Category_Dog Knowledge
How to Stop a Dog from Digging Holes
Why Do Dogs Dig?
For starters, let's talk about letting your dog go out in the backyard. If you don't have a secure, fenced-in area, you shouldn't let your dog out in the yard off-leash. Even if you do have a fence, it's important that you make sure that there are no other hazards such as exposed nails or screws, wood or metal shards, electrical cords or outlets, or dangerous equipment around. According to PetMD, letting your dog play outside shouldn't be a substitute for walks! Walking is both a bonding experience, a training opportunity, and a guarantee that your dog is getting good exercise. You feed your dog high-quality food so you should also ensure that they're getting high-quality exercise! That being said, letting your dog run around in the yard isn't a bad thing. It's just frustrating when they start digging holes. Why do they do that? As we mentioned earlier, some dogs dig because they're on the hunt. They have incredibly strong sniffers and their sense of smell is about 40 times stronger than ours! However, some dogs may dig because they're “bored” or even overstimulated. They are, at the expense of your lawn and flowerbeds, creating their own fun or coping. But most are simply doing what their genes tell them to do. So how do you get them to, well, do something else?Looks like a good place to dig...