" Poodles Allergies & Skin Allergy Causes – Wild Earth
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Poodles Allergies & Skin Allergy Causes

by Andrew Ehlert

Many pet lovers know how their animals behave on the daily. And it can cause some distress when our furry friends begin to exhibit new behaviors such as vigorously itching or the appearance of sores on their bodies. These symptoms and many others can be a sign of an allergy.

Allergies are not only common in humans but also seen in dogs, such as the Poodle and its source can vary widely. However, owners can take certain actions to prevent allergies and vets can prescribe treatments to assist and possibly even stop the discomfort.

Common Allergies in Poodles

Among many others, common allergies in Poodles can be caused by these four factors:

  • Fleas
  • Food
  • Environment
  • Contact


Seeing even one flea on a pet can be stressful. However, the flea allergy itself actually comes from the flea’s saliva. Flea allergies are most common in dogs that typically do not have common physical interactions with fleas. This is why it is so important to keep an eye out for these little bugs, as even just one can cause your Poodle discomfort for days.

Food Allergies

A necessity for any creature, food is an important part of a Poodle’s healthy and long life. However, just like humans, Poodles can have food allergies. Poodles tend to be a bit more sensitive to the things they eat.

The most common food allergies include beef, poultry, lamb, fish, dairy, soy, wheat, corn, and additives. These are ingredients that are found in most dog food. This is why it is best to know what ingredients are going into the food you give your four-legged best friend.

Environmental Allergies

The world inside and outside of the house can be potential areas of allergens. If food is not the problem for your struggling canine friend, perhaps something in their environment is. Do they tend to have more problems in different seasons when tree, grass, or weed pollen is common? Or do you notice they struggle more in the house perhaps around mold/mildew, dust mites, or even when they smell cigarette smoke?

These are all common sources of allergies for dogs, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on when and where your Poodle has the most difficulty as this can help you and your vet diagnose the Poodle easier.

Direct Contact Allergies

Another cause of allergies in Poodles is things they come into contact with. These can include carpeting/carpet cleaner, grooming products, and laundry detergent. It is always important, when searching for an allergy, to be diligent and watchful. Taking the time to notice if your pet starts biting at their paws after walking across a carpet or if they come back itching from the groomers is an important step in identifying the cause of your pet’s allergy.

Symptoms of Allergies For Poodles

When noticing our dog's behavior differing, looking for the signs and symptoms is very important in the process of figuring out what is wrong with them. If your Poodle has an allergy then they will likely be struggling with one of the symptoms listed below.

  • Excessive Itching
  • Red Sores
  • Chewing/Biting
  • Eye/Chest Congestion
  • Dull Coat

If any of these symptoms are present, your dog may have an allergy. However, there is a multitude of symptoms your Poodle may show. If you are concerned about your animal’s behavior it is always a good idea to contact your vet for a checkup.

Possible Allergy Treatment Options

Once your vet has been able to diagnose the problem (which can be accomplished through a variety of different allergy testing methods) there are several options your vet may suggest or prescribe for treatment. These can include:

  • Medicated Baths
  • Antihistamines, Antibiotics, and Antifungal Medications
  • Flea Control
  • Supplements and Diet
  • Environmental Control

Medicated Baths

Baths can help wash the irritant from the Poodle’s skin. This can be done with a variety of different medicated shampoos. These shampoos should consist of ingredients that help soothe the skin along with antimicrobial and antifungal agents.

Antihistamines, Antibiotics, and Antifungal Medications

Antihistamines are often a good option for helping ease or stop the symptoms of allergies in dogs. They are considered to be a good option to try when dealing with allergy discomfort management for your Poodle and are usually affordable. However, if your pet has an infection, antibiotics or antifungal medications are often needed.

Flea Control

To help manage fleas it is suggested to look for flea prevention. There are various options, for example, flea collars, medicated flea shampoos, and even a house fogger – if necessary – to get rid of flea problems. Getting rid of fleas can help to prevent your pet from having a reaction to flea bites.

Supplements and Diet

Many pet owners who have dogs with various allergies have had luck with changing their pets’ diets. Fatty acids such as Omega-3 and Omega-6 could be used to help the health of your Poodle’s skin. Another option for helping your pet with allergies includes feeding them a hypoallergenic diet. This can be easy, such as with hypoallergenic brands that can be store-bought. However, some dogs require a bit more maintenance, such as a specialized diet.

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Environmental Control

If a Poodle’s allergy is from their environment, it is best to isolate and correct it. For example, if there is a specific carpet cleaner used, stopping its use in your home may be the best option for your dog’s allergy. Dust and other allergens can be lessened by the use of an air cleaner.


Poodle allergies can come from a variety of different things including food and skin irritants. As pet owners, it is important to keep an eye on your furry companion to help ensure their comfort and happy life. When noticing strange symptoms such as sores, congestion, or excessive scratching, it is important to try and discover the cause. This can be done through vets and using various treatment options to help your Poodle live a full and happy life.

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