Teacup Husky Breed Guide: Everything You Need To Know
Have you ever wished you had a dog that remained a puppy forever? With different breeding techniques, this dream is almost a reality. With the training of an adult dog and the size of a puppy, a Teacup breed is a great go-to choice. With a Teacup Husky, you can bring the untouched wilderness of Alaska into your home in miniature form!
History of The Teacup Husky
It starts with these little dogs' closest sibling, the Siberian Husky. As the name implies, they first appeared on the Chukchi Peninsula of Eastern Siberia, where the Chukchi people began developing them.
Dating back 4,000 years or more, Huskies served as all-purpose dogs for the Chukchi tribe, working and playing with the tribespeople.
Contrary to popular belief, huskies are no more closely descended from wolves than other dog breeds, such as bulldogs or poodles. In 1908, the Siberian Husky arrived in Nome, Alaska, to work as sled dogs during the Gold Rush by Russian fur trader William Goosak.
They eventually developed into the sled-racing dogs we know them as today, frequently running the sleds for recreational and competitive mushers.
Who wouldn't want this beautiful, loyal, energetic dog in teacup size?
The truth is, the Teacup Husky does not exist. Breeders have developed a much smaller dog than a typical Siberian Husky, but the specifications for teacup-sized dogs are impossible for certain breeds, including the Husky.
Breeding this small of a dog is controversial, but some breeders are still in the business of developing them.
History of Teacup Breeds
The term "teacup dog" is a way for breeders to target internet shoppers, with them being a novelty in the fashion business. Consumers flock to buy these designer dog breeds because of their adorable, small appearance and the ability to carry them around in their bags.
Even though many consider the teacup husky one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, the reality is that this type of dog does not exist due to the specifications of being a teacup breed. The typical teacup dog weighs 4 pounds and is 17 inches long at 12 months of age, but the misnamed teacup Husky stands 17-inches tall and weighs up to 35 pounds.
Don't be disappointed, though! There are other options for smaller versions of those beautiful Siberian Huskies that are loved by so many.
The Miniature Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Klee Kai
Both the Miniature Siberian Husky (also known as a Mini Husky) and the Alaskan Klee Kai resemble a Siberian Husky but are smaller in size.
Miniature Siberian Husky
Even though they are smaller in size, Mini Huskies have the same loyalty, high-energy personalities as their larger siblings.
They love the outdoors and spend most of their time being active. With so much energy, most Mini Husky owners need to enroll their pup in an obedience training school. Doing so can save the owners much frustration from their patience-testing companion.
How Big Will a Teacup Husky Get?
Mini Huskies can range in size. They are typically close to half the size of their ancestors, the Siberian Husky. A full-grown Mini Husky ranges from 20 to 35 lbs and 13 to 17 inches in height.
Alaskan Klee Kai
"Klee Kai" means "small dog" in Eskimo dialect. This breed of dog has been around much longer than the Mini Husky. The main difference between the two is the Klee Kai has precise specifications on its size, while Mini Huskies have a size range.
The Alaskan Klee Kai is a breed of its own, possessing the same personality characteristics as both the Siberian Husky and the Mini Husky. These characteristics include loyalty, high energy, and intelligence.
Caring for a Teacup Husky
If you are thinking about getting a Miniature Husky, you must be prepared for the amount of care these dogs require.
Most huskies need at least an hour of exercise per day but do best with two. Without this extensive exercise, your dog may display unruly behavior such as barking and howling, heavy chewing, digging, rough play, clumsiness, and being over-excitable.
Avoiding these types of behavior can be accomplished by taking long walks with your dog every day and playing fetch. Engaging in these activities allows you and your dog to get adequate exercise every day.
If you cannot spend this much time with your dog, having a large fenced-in yard is a good option. Providing a second dog for your Husky to play with allows for good exercise if you are away at work throughout the day.
Hygiene and Grooming
Miniature Huskies have a thick undercoat and a long-haired top coat.
The best management for grooming your Mini Husky is investing in a good brush and brushing its coat once a week.
Miniature Huskies are good self-groomers, making them low maintenance for clippings. Bathing your Mini Husky once every one or two months helps minimize the chance of skin irritation and infection.
Mini Huskies require a diet different from most small breeds, even with their small size. They do best on a high protein diet, with minimal fats and carbohydrates.
With regular trips to the vet, your Mini Husky can live an active lifestyle for 12-15 years.
Health Issues
Miniature Huskies have many of the same health problems as Siberian Huskies. In your Mini Husky, things to look for include laryngeal paralysis, seizures, and genetic conditions such as glaucoma and progressive retinal atrophy.
Is a Miniature Husky the Right Dog for Me?
Miniature Huskies do great with small children, making them good family dogs. If you have an active lifestyle and can give your dog plenty of exercises, attention to grooming, and patience with training, a Miniature Husky would be the perfect dog for you!
Final Thoughts on Teacup Huskies
While Teacup Huskies are not a reality, other options for a smaller version of a Siberian Husky are available. Miniature Huskies and Alaskan Klee Kai are two great options for high-energy homes that want to bring the beauty of these cold-ready, intelligent pups into their homes.