" When Do Puppies Calm Down? At What Age? – Wild Earth
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When Do Puppies Calm Down? At What Age?

by Andrew Ehlert

Puppies may be small, but they possess more energy in the tips of their tails than many full-grown dogs.

Sometimes this can be charming. Other times your puppy may go ominously quiet on you, and you know they’re up to mischief. That can range from the harmless, like munching on a cast-iron table leg, to the more problematic, like eating holes in the carpet.

That makes it natural to want to ask, ‘When do puppies calm down?’

However, several variables conspire to influence when puppies calm down. We’ll look at some of the most significant factors as we tackle the problem of at what age puppies settle down.

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When Do Puppies Calm Down? Contributing Factors

Several things affect your puppy’s maturation process. Training will be slower or faster depending on the dog you bring home, the puppy’s sex, and whether you have any other pets. These and other considerations go a long way to determining the age your puppy settles down.

Breed of the dog

Dog breeds are about more than coat colors and body type. Many dog breeds emerged for specific purposes, like hunting or retrieving prey.

If you are thinking about getting a puppy but are nervous about all that pent-up puppy energy, spend an afternoon at a dog park. You’ll get a sense of which dog breeds are naturally energetic and which are more laid back. That will help give you a sense of what your puppy will be like when they finally do calm down.

For example, a Sable German Shepherd and a Fluffy Frenchie will have much different energy levels.

Some breeds with notably high energy levels, even in adulthood, include:

  • Dachshunds
  • Terriers
  • Greyhounds


Breeding plays a significant factor in determining the age your puppy calms down, but it’s not the only factor.

Like people, dogs have personalities. And, like people, some dogs are more gregarious than others. Of our two dogs, one greets everyone who walks through the front door. The other is indifferent to strangers as long as he has somewhere comfortable to sleep.

There’s no guarantee what kind of personality your puppy will have. But a reputable breeder should have a sense of their puppies’ personalities and can help you choose a dog that’s compatible with you and your family.

Presence of Other Animals

The other thing that complicates answering the question ‘When do puppies calm down?’ is the presence of other pets in your home.

There’s never a hard-and-fast rule, but many dog owners who bring a puppy home to another dog find the puppy clams down faster than it would as an only pet.

That’s because dogs are pack animals and instinctually want to fit in with their new family. Accordingly, your puppy apes the behavior of more adult dogs and calms down.

The other reason this happens is that dogs are creatures of habit. Mature dogs like their routines, and they don’t want them usurped by charming and rambunctious puppies. If your puppy gets too unruly, it’s normal for a senior dog to put them back in their place.

Puppy Gender and Maturity

Another thing that determines when puppies calm down is their gender. Again, there are no hard rules. But because female puppies reach sexual maturity between six and nine months, they mature more quickly.

They need to because if they fall pregnant, they can’t raise a litter of puppies while exhibiting the usual puppy behaviors themselves.

It’s not just about mating though. The decision to neuter or spay a puppy can also help them calm down.

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What Age Do Puppies Calm Down?

Puppies change as they age. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment a puppy settles down because that varies from dog to dog. But there are certain behaviors you can expect from dogs at certain stages of puppyhood.

Puppies Up to Ten Weeks Old

You’re unlikely to have much contact with newborn puppies because breeders need to ensure their safety from infection.

If you do encounter them, don’t be fooled by the initial shyness. Young puppies don’t open their eyes for several weeks, and when they do, they take time to adjust to the world around them.

Puppyhood from 10 to 16 Weeks

Personality and breed might determine the age puppies calm down, but no puppy matures this young.

Age 10 to 16 weeks is all about mischief for puppies. Many authorities consider this age puppy adolescence. You may start training your puppy up, and they reciprocate by pushing at boundaries.

This is also when teething starts. It lasts quite a while, so when wondering ‘When do puppies calm down’ try and be generous. It’s hard to be calm when your mouth and gums are uncomfortable.

Puppies Four to Six Months Old

Puppies between four and six months old are still energetic, but their attention span is longer. That makes training easier, and if you’re consistent, some puppies may begin calming down at this age.

However, this is also the age when many puppies begin experiencing aggression and anxiety. This may present either as resource or people guarding, or even separation anxiety.

Evidence of any of these things needs to be dealt with promptly. Neither behavior resolves without training, and they’re antithetical to a calm puppy.

Puppies Aged Six Months to a Year

When it comes to answering ‘When do puppies calm down?’ six months to a year is the answer most people give.

That’s because they have an established routine, and are well-socialized. Also, their teeth should grow in by six months old, and the urge to eat you out of the literal house and home should have abated.

The End of Puppyhood: One to Two Years Old

As discussed, various factors determine when puppies calm down. But usually, after a year or two, your dog will settle down.

Nothing’s guaranteed, however. We have an eight-year-old dog, and she doesn’t realize she outgrew puppyhood a while ago.

Conclusion For When Puppies Calm Down

When do puppies calm down? Usually, maturity sets in around the six-month mark and continues over the next year and a half.

However, it’s important to remember that age is only one of many things affecting your dog’s energy level. They may never be calm. But provided you keep them active, entertained, and stimulated, you should be able to manage destructive behavior.

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy the puppy stage. It’s exhausting but also an excellent source of comedy.

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