" When Do Puppies Stop Teething? Teething Symptoms – Wild Earth
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When Do Puppies Stop Teething? Teething Symptoms

by Andrew Ehlert

Teething is a natural process in every dog's life, and it can cause them some pain for a while. Luckily, it does not last for long, and there are a few tricks you can try to help ease the pain.

When Do Puppies Stop Teething?

Most puppies will start teething at two or three months of age and then stop teething between five to eight months. It depends on the dog when the process begins and ends. Teething ends when all your dog's adult teeth (42 in all) have erupted and continue to grow.

By the time your dog is one year old, all its adult teeth should have come in.

Teething Symptoms For Puppies

Remember that teething will be a different experience for every puppy. Most often, you may find symptoms like:

  • Excessive nipping, chewing, or drooling
  • Small blood spots on your dog's toys
  • Red swollen gums
  • Slower eating
  • More crying or whining

Do Puppies Get Aggressive During Teething?

Some people may confuse some growling, biting, or tugging as aggressive behavior in a puppy. The truth is that the puppy is probably showing excitement at playing or trying to relieve dental pain.

As a puppy's teeth grow in, they might bite or chew to distract from the pain of their teeth growing in. They might even chew or eat more slowly.

In that case, it is a good idea to have some toys or bones around to help.

How Can I Help My Dog's Dental Pain?

Soft chew toys can help relieve dental pain while your dog is teething. You can buy soft chew toys or make special toys at home using towels or old blankets.

You can gently touch the inside and outside of your dog's mouth. You are not only checking your dog's mouth, but you are also getting them comfortable with brushing their teeth.

Over time, you can start using small pieces of gauze to rub their teeth and gums before graduating to a toothbrush.

Take your dog to the vet to make sure your dog's teeth are growing in well and that the dog is generally healthy.

Tips for Easing Teething Discomfort in Dogs

Here are just a few tips and tricks for helping ease dental pain in your teething dog.

Plain Bagel

Frozen mini bagels, or any small portion of dense food, can help in a few ways.

Briefly freeze a mini bagel (preferably plain) and allow your dog to chew. The coldness will help numb any pain, and the denseness may help pull out any remaining baby teeth.

Frozen Fruit

You can combine a few frozen fruits to create a yummy treat for your dog while also helping their dental discomfort.

Combine frozen fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and bananas in small portions. You might also give your dog carrot bits that they can chew on. Do not give them more than one whole carrot a day because too much fiber is not good for your dog's digestion.

Sliced apples work great too. Cut an apple up into tiny slices and make sure to clear any seeds from the plate.

Do not give your dogs grapes or cherries, as even small quantities can be toxic. Grapefruits, lemons, limes, or any highly acidic fruit might cause an upset stomach. Learn about the fruits dogs can eat.

Freeze Your Dog's Toys

Sometimes you can place your dog's chew toys in the freezer for a while. We have established that cold items can help numb discomfort, and you just need to freeze the toys to help with teething. Do make sure to put the toys in a plastic bag or two when freezing them, though. You do not want to get dog slobber all over your frozen food items.

You can buy a classic Kong chew toy and fill it with peanut butter, cream cheese, canned food, or your dog's favorite dog treat. Freeze the toy with the treat inside and give it to your puppy to chew. They should not only enjoy their favorite treat but it is now frozen to help treat their pain.

Some toys, like the Nylabone Puppy Chew Freezer Dog Bone, are supposed to be frozen. You soak the toy in water, slip it into a resealable bag, and let it freeze. Even when frozen, the soft bristles can help soothe your puppy's gums, and you can fill little wells across the toy with your dog's favorite treats.

Do NOT Give Your Dog Over-the-Counter Pain Medication or Ice Chips

You might feel tempted to give your dog over-the-counter pain meds, but such medication is only for human use. Unless your vet gives their permission, do not do this.

Chewing on ice chips can also be dangerous for your dog's baby teeth. While chewing on ice chips might help ease teething pain, it can damage your dog's baby teeth and cause even more pain.

Get Your Dog Comfortable With Brushing Their Teeth

We have established that your dog must be comfortable with you touching their mouth. This will help you to safely and comfortably brush your dog's teeth.

Unlike humans, dogs do not flick food from between their teeth, so dental hygiene is essential. Over time, you can graduate to using dog toothpaste when they have become comfortable with the toothbrush.

Do not use human toothpaste on your dog since it can upset their stomach. Plus, pet toothpaste does not foam (this might distress your dog), and they taste like chicken or beef, which your puppy will look forward to tasting.

Dealing with Teething Puppies

Giving your puppy chewing toys is an excellent start for teaching them healthy chewing habits. That said, you still want to teach your puppy other household boundaries for healthy behavior.

Gate off certain rooms in your home and keep items you do not want your dog chewing, like wires, out of their reach. If you catch them chewing on something they should not be, utter a fast, short "No!" or other sounds that will startle the puppy. When they obey your command, reward them with a treat. If they do not, give them time in their kennel to settle down.

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