May 9th is Dog Mom Day, so let's Celebrate the Dog Moms of Wild Earth!
Category_Dog Blog

May 9th is Dog Mom Day, so let's Celebrate the Dog Moms of Wild Earth!

by Wes Chang
At Wild Earth, our work is more than just a job. Many of us are pet parents and we put our heart and soul into making the best dog food possible for our furry friends! This Saturday, May 9th is ‘National Dog Mom Day’. Well, in honor of that we want to have a special highlight of the Dog Moms of Wild Earth. Read below as they get personal about their canine companions. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a special high-paw to those celebrating Dog Mom Day!

Olivia Frieden

Olivia and her dogs

1. What's your dog(s) name? Dexter (Pittie) & Delilah (Husky) 2. How old are they? Dexter is 4 and Delilah is 1 3. Describe their personality. Dexter is a giant, goofy couch potato that only has two settings: lazy and crazy! He is affectionate, loyal and tries VERY hard to be the bestest boy. Delilah is mischievous, silly and sensitive. We call her the prankster because she likes to do naughty things and looks like she's laughing about it! 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? I love working for Wild Earth because I get to work with the most passionate group of people. We are all fighting to make a difference for animals everywhere. 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? I adopted Dexter when I was working in rescue. He arrived at the rescue as a tiny puppy and was incredibly ill. I was with him every day throughout his battle and witnessed first hand what a fighter/survivor he was. When he finally beat the illness, I knew we were meant to be together. I have learned so much from being his mom and our bond is unlike any other. Delilah is a recent addition to our family and has brought us so much laughter. I look forward to coming home to them every day and they make every adventure a million times better.

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer and her dogs

1. What's your dog(s) name? Chloe (Rottie) and Daichi (Corgi) 2. How old are they? Chloe is 6 and Daichi is 7. 3. Describe their personality. Chloe is extremely loyal and protective of the family. She likes attention and gets jealous when she sees us petting other dogs. Daichi is VERY food driven, curious, and independent. 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? It’s extremely rewarding seeing the positive effects our products have on not only my dogs, but other people’s dogs. I enjoy working with people who are so talented and passionate about what they do and the mission of the company. Also, there are always dogs in the office. 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? Being able to give and feel unconditional love. I always try to make sure my dogs are living their best life and can’t stop spoiling them. The dogs are always there to listen and comfort, and don’t hold a grudge when I’ve left them home alone all day.

Pamela Smith

Pamela and her dogs

1. What's your dog(s) name? Duke & Lucy 2. How old are they? Duke 3 years old & Lucy 9 years old 3. Describe their personality. Duke is just like Scooby-Doo. Runs around crazy, scared of all noises, very curious, and has to touch everything with his nose. Lucy is like a cat. She does not come when you call her in the house. But she will come when calling her outside. Both dogs will eat any food left out. With Lucy that is not much of a problem. But with Duke, you have to watch everything when cooking and setting the table. So far, he has only eaten one main course dinner item when we were cooking and watching TV. 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? You are part of a team with all working at their best. My coworkers are smart and motivated to provide better, healthier, and sustainable food for pets. 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? I love my dogs. They give me the best welcome when I get home and wake up in the morning.

Lauren Wixon

Lauren and her dogs

1. What's your dog(s) name? Leia & Zeppelin 2. How old are they? Leia is 4, Zeppelin is 6. 3. Describe their personality. Leia is a sweetheart, but can also be a bratty little sibling to her older brother. Zeppelin is easy-going and has a goofy personality, but also loves to have fun when he is outdoors. They are best of friends and love cuddling with one another. They compliment each other very well. 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? I love working for a company with a mission that I can stand behind. It's really inspiring knowing that every day I go to work, I am actually helping the world, little by little! 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? Being a dog mom has made me a better person. It has forced me to be responsible, caring, nurturing, and think of others before thinking of myself. It has also taught me how to love unconditionally - for example, I love my dogs, even though they throw up all over my furniture.

Jenna Cameron

Jenna and her dog

1. What's your dog(s) name? Saturday O'Sweet Spellbound and Elliott Alameda 2. How old are they? Saturday O'Sweet Spellbound is 12 and Elliott Alameda is 6 years old. 3. Describe their personality. Saturday is a grumpy old lady who lives for snuggles and treats! Mostly treats. She loves her routine and enjoys walks as long as they're short and involve lots of snacks in between. She's a little shadow and won't let you get far away from her ever! Elliott is a happy-go-lucky independent girl who likes treats but likes playing with her puppy friends even more! She's even a professional "play trainer" in her dog-walking group and teaches shy dogs and puppies how to play and have fun with other dogs! She's a silly quirky girl and you'll often catch her making intense eye contact from across the room. 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? I'm passionate about Wild Earth because we get to bring sustainable, healthy dog food to pet parents everywhere! Every bag of plant-based Wild Earth dog food makes the world a better place by eliminating the need for factory farming and providing a great-tasting and healthy product for our dogs. We also have the best team at Wild Earth, full of passionate, driven, and hard-working individuals. 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? My dogs bring me so much joy! They are the absolute sweetest, best pups and I love showering them with treats, hugs, and cuddles always.

Diana Olson

Diana and her dog 1. What's your dog(s) name? Chewie, but I call him a lot of nicknames. Chew, Chew-Chew, The Chew, Chew Bear, and Mr. Bear 2. How old are they? Chewie just turned 2! 3. Describe their personality. He’s what I would like to call a sour patch kid, he is very smart and knows how to push my buttons, but he also knows how to make me melt! 4. Why do you like working for Wild Earth? I’m a big animal lover and especially dogs. I love that I have a small part in helping all animals and I get to talk about dogs all day. It’s a dream come true to work for Wild Earth. 5. Why do you like being a dog mom? I really appreciate being a dog mom, because the love a dog gives you is so real and pure. It also has made my home feel more important and special. There’s nothing better than coming home from a long day to a wiggly butt, and dramatic puppy kisses.

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