The first cost is your pet’s health.This is part of our series on the state of dog food today. This article covers a topic that hits close to home for many of us: the impact on our pet’s health. See below for links to the other articles in this series.We form incredibly deep bonds with our pets and feel a responsibility to provide them with the absolute best life we can afford. That includes lots of exercise, fun toys, tasty treats and of course healthy FOOD. And since most dogs eat the same thing day in and day out, the quality of that food has a massive impact on their wellbeing. That’s why we need to ask ourselves: do I want my dog consuming plastic, fecal matter, rat poison, microchips, saw dust, euthanasia drugs, unnecessary antibiotics, growth hormones, and decaying carcasses?Absolutely not -- but these are all ingredients that have been found — even purposely used — in commercial dog food. Advertising might tout “all-natural beef” as pet food’s primary ingredient, but there’s a big difference between a prime cut of filet mignon and those mystery brown pellets in your dog’s food bowl. Yes, there’s beef in their food, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing. If pet food was labeled accurately, then it would read “all-natural beef byproduct and assorted slaughterhouse detritus.”For the most part, pet food is comprised of animal byproduct (parts of the animal deemed unfit for human consumption) and animal “material” that undergoes a process called rendering. This allows Big Ag to utilize meat from dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animals -- essentially, their rotting flesh -- and rendered material, more often than not, ends up as pet food.It makes sense. Corporations are interested in the bottom line, and the ability to purchase rendered meat makes pet food dirt-cheap. In fact, without rendering, the entire factory farming apparatus would be unsustainable and unprofitable.But the cost will eventually have to be paid, and part of the price is the health of our furry companions. Almost half of all dogs alive today will develop cancer after age 10, and over half the dogs in the US suffer from obesity. Although your pet might be happily chowing down now, the harmful material they consume day-in and day-out builds up in their bodies, with consequences showing up in their health and quality of life.This is a huge driver for us at Wild Earth. We want our pets (and the planet!) to be happy, healthy and thriving. Our Clean Protein Dog Food has all the protein and essential nutrients that your dog needs -- without any animal products and a fraction of the environmental impact. With every scoop of Wild Earth food you’ll make your dog healthier, the planet happier and animals in factory farms safer.Next in our series on the state of dog food we’ll cover the environmental impact of making common dog food (that isn’t even good for them!) as well as the conditions livestock suffer before they’re used in food - and what that means for our pets.-----1) Clean Label Project (2017). Pet Food Project Summary. Available at:
2) FDA (2018). Guidance for Industry. Available at:
3) Nestle, M. and Nesheim, M. (2010). Feed Your Pet Right: The Authoritative Guide to Feeding your Dog and Cat, Simon and Schuster.
4) AAFCO (2019). What is in pet food. Available at:
5) Kerasote, T. (2013). Pukka’s promise: The Quest for Longer-Lived Dogs. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York, NY. p. 194–203
Category_Dog Blog
The State Of Dog Food Today
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