" Can Dogs Eat Pears? Yes, With Precautions – Wild Earth
Can Dogs Eat Pears? Are They Good For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Pears? Are They Good For Dogs?

by Andrew Ehlert

Yes, dogs can eat pears but there are some precautions that you should follow.

Pears can be a healthy treat for dogs as they have many beneficial nutrients in them such as fiber, vitamin C and potassium. These vitamins and minerals are essential for your dog's health especially when their diet consists mainly of dry kibble.

However, it may not be the best idea to give your pup too much fruit or pieces with seeds on the inside because these foods contain sugar which can lead to weight gain if eaten often enough (dogs naturally crave more sweet treats than humans do) or an upset stomach from all that fructose.

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Feeding pears sparingly will allow them time between meals where they aren't eating any form of fructose. Before you give your dog any new form of food it is recommended that you speak with your vet as they have a better understanding of the health of your dog.

Are Pears Good For Dogs?

Pears is moderation can be a healthy snack for your dog. Similar to other types of fruit, pears can provide dogs with fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, and a few other beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Pears are a good option for adding variety to your dog’s diet, but they should be fed in moderation and with other types of fruit or vegetables so that there is some time between each meal where the only thing being eaten is something other than fructose.

Health Benefits of Giving Dogs Pears

Pears can provide your dog with a healthy source of dietary fiber and multiple different types of healthy vitamins. If you want to add pears into your dog's diet it is recommended that you speak with your vet first as dogs have different needs than humans do. They will know if this type of food would be appropriate for your furry friend, what daily dosage might work best for them given their weight and activity level, how many pieces can safely be offered at once without upsetting their stomach, and any potential foods allergies or intolerances that may present themselves.

Risks of Feeding Pears To Dogs

Some dogs will handle new foods such as pears better than others. Dogs that have had a history of stomach problems may want to stay away from pears. They can cause diarrhea, vomiting, or other digestive issues for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Fruits such as pears, as well as cantaloupe, cherries, bananas, strawberries, and watermelon all contain natural sugar which in excess can cause stomach pain for dogs.

Some breeds are more likely than others to have these types of sensitivities and it's always best to check with your vet before you start offering any new type of food item no matter how healthy it seems on the surface. If you decide to give your dog some pear, it is recommended that you start with very small servings and you only give it to them in moderation.

How To Serve Pears To Your Dog

If you are going to give your dog a pear, we recommend that you clean the fruit first before feeding it to them. You can wash it thoroughly with soap and water or peel the pear to remove the skin.

The next step is to cut up a small portion of peeled pears for your dog's mealtime, typically about five slices worth. It might not look like enough but don't be fooled by appearances! Dogs have smaller stomachs that require more frequent feedings than humans so they will digest this amount much better while still getting their necessary nutrients from this type of food item.

You should also only give them one serving at a time; giving them multiple servings at once could lead to diarrhea because dogs process foods differently than we do and take longer (on average) for their body systems to fully break down what they've eaten when compared to humans.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pears?

Typically, canned pears aren't recommended for dogs as most canned food contains a large amount of sugar and preservatives compared to fresh fruit.

However, you can experiment with giving your dog canned pears in small amounts and see how their body reacts to it. Speak with your veterinarian prior to giving your dog canned fruit.

Can Dogs Eat Pears? Final Verdict

Yes, dogs can have pears but it is recommend that they only eat pears in moderation. Many dogs will love the taste of pears and the fiber and vitamins within the fruit can be beneficial for the health of your dog. Pears as well as other fruit should only be given to dogs in moderation and be prepared well to keep your dog healthy.

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