Shih-Tzu Allergies & Skin Allergies Guide
The Shih-Tzu is a small dog breed that is lively, amusing, and sociable. Shih-tzus are named after the Chinese term for "lion dog," which reflects their mane-like coat and fierce (but kind) personalities. Unfortunately, many Shih-Tzu's have skin issues and other allergy-related ailments. In this article, we will talk about the common allergy symptoms that many Shih-Tzu's faces, and what you can do to help alleviate these issues.
Common Allergies Suffered By Shih-Tzu's
Many shih-tzu's suffer from one type of allergy or another. The most common types of allergies for shih-tzu's are skin allergies because of their long fur and the characteristics of their coat. It is also common for this breed of dog to have eye allergies, ear infections, or even dental issues.
Allergens are a potential problem for the shih-tzu's long coat. If your shih-tzu is suffering from allergies, you might notice itchy, biting, or scratching at the source of their discomfort. Hot spots, hair loss, dry flaky skin, and rashes are all common skin problems for this breed.
The shih-tzu has a wide range of skin allergies, which can affect their eyes, muzzle, feet, and paws, as well as their belly and underside. Atopic dermatitis can affect the joints, ears, face and belly areas of skin irritation. Early detection of a skin reaction might aid in avoiding infection.
Causes of Allergies For Shih-Tzu's
Shih-tzu's can develop allergies due to the food they eat, the environment that they live in, or many other factors. Dogs are not typically not naturally allergic creatures like some humans are. Allergies show up when a dog's immune system overreacts to certain things and causes them to become inflamed. When this happens it leads to allergies causing issues and discomfort for your shih-tzu!
Seasonal allergies are caused by pollen or other plant particles that your shih tzu comes into contact with every day, causing their noses to become irritated and inflamed. This is an allergic reaction in humans as well, though it isn't usually severe unless the person has another allergy at the same time (such as a peanut allergy).
Food Allergies cause shih tzus to have issues similar to seasonal allergies, but they manifest themselves differently because of the various ingredients found in dog food versus human food. It's important to note that not all dogs will experience these types of reactions from foods though! Some breeds naturally don't have as many allergies as others, but some breeds, such as shih-tzu's, are more prone to skin allergies.
Type of Coat & Fur
Shih Tzus have a double coat of fur, meaning that they have two layers. This is part of the reason behind their often short shedding seasons and why it's easy to get them groomed at home too! The undercoat consists of soft hair while the guard hairs are typically coarser in texture. It can be difficult sometimes to determine which layer has been affected by an allergy because both parts will appear flaky if there is a skin allergy going on underneath. If shih tzus suffer from food allergies, this type of reaction affects only the top coat (the one closest to your pup's skin) rather than affecting both like other breeds might experience with environmental or seasonal allergy issues.
Monitoring Your Shih-Tzu For Signs of Allergies
If you shih tzu is suffering from an allergy, the first sign to watch out for will be some sort of scratching or chewing. They might also have dry skin and dandruff that appears in clumps on their coats. If they are ingesting something that causes them allergies, then there could be vomiting or diarrhea too. Many Shih-Tzu's will suffer from skin allergies which is most noticeable if your dog is frequently scratching or chewing on their skin. A common sign of potential skin allergies is when dogs frequently chew on their paws.
More severe signs of allergies can be noticed by signs of hot spots, hair loss, rashes, or even digestive issues. Typically a dog will only experience hot spots or hair loss if their allergies are more severe. It is always important to talk to your veterinarian about signs of allergies, but if you notice extreme signs of allergies then your vet might decide to prescribe your dog medicine. Often times, more extreme cases of allergies are caused by the type of food your dog is eating. Many dog owners switch to Wild Earth when their dog is struggling with allergy issues.
How Wild Earth Dog Food Can Help With Allergies
Wild Earth Dog Food is a high quality dog food that has the essential nutrients your Aussie needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Wild Earth’s ingredients are carefully selected and made with human grade, organic or all-natural ingredients which can help alleviate allergies symptoms in dogs. Dog owners who have switched to Wild Earth dog food have seen great improvements of skin allergies in their dogs. Over 50% of dog owners saw an improvement in their dog’s fur within just 2 months! Wild Earth has also be reported to help improve itching and scratching, improve joint health, improve digestive issues, and much more!