" Why Do My Dog's Ears Stink? Learn the Causes & Remedies – Wild Earth
Why Do My Dog's Ears Stink?

Why Do My Dog's Ears Stink?

by Andrew Ehlert

It is possible for your dogs ears to stink. They smell bad and they can be very annoying to the dog as well as those around them.

Dog ears that are dirty or infected will produce an even stronger odor, which is why it's important to take care of your dog's ears regularly.

Poor hygiene, allergies, injuries, and infection can all cause your dog's ears to have a strong unpleasant odor.

Ear Wax Build Up

It is normal for ears to get dirty and accumulate wax in dogs, but excessive build-up may indicate an ear infection or other problem.

Excessive build-up of the waxy substance known as cerumen can be very uncomfortable for your dog and cause infections that are often treated with antibiotics. To prevent this from happening, it’s important to regularly clean out ears which will also help you identify any problems before they become too serious.

Regular cleaning at home should remove most dirt and debris while preventing future buildup if done properly. Ceruminous glands produce a protein-like material called cerumen (also known as “earwax”) which coats the inside of your dog's ears, both protecting them against bacteria/viruses and lubricating them. The ears are not self-cleaning, which means that the cerumen needs to be removed regularly to keep the ears clean and dry.

Excessive build-up of ear wax can cause discomfort for your dog by blocking airflow into their ears or causing infections that may need treatment with antibiotics if they become severe enough.

Regularly cleaning out ears is important because it will help you identify any problems before they turn serious as well as preventing future buildup from occurring so easily in dogs who have trouble keeping their ears clean due to health conditions like allergies or diabetes.

Bacterial Infection

Bacterial Infection of the ears is common in dogs. It usually occurs when the dog's ear canal gets blocked due to some foreign material or infection, which then allows bacteria that are normally present on the skin to overgrow and cause an inflammation of the ear.

The clinical signs include redness, itching, swelling inside ears with smelly discharges coming out from ears along with head shaking and scratching at ears frequently.

Sometimes there could also be pain associated because of secondary infections caused by these bacterial infections. This should get veterinary attention as early diagnosis will help prevent complications like deafness if not treated timely!

Often your vet can prescribe topical ointments for treatment but sometimes antibiotics may be needed too depending upon the severity of the condition The best way forward would be getting the ears cleaned regularly so that there is no blockage in the ear canal which can be very uncomfortable for your dog!

Secondary infections are common when bacterial infection of the ears has not been treated timely. Ear cleaning should always be done by professional groomers or vets because you could push debris further into the ears making it more painful and difficult to clean if proper technique is not used.

Dog ear infections smell bad, especially after they have scratched their ears too much causing bleeding inside the ears with discharge coming out smelling disgusting!

Some dogs tend to develop allergies towards certain ingredients present in some over-the-counter medications like cleaners, topical ointments, etc., therefore consulting a veterinarian before purchasing any product would help prevent worsening of the condition.

Yeast Infection

Yeast Infection is a common problem for dogs, especially if they swim in ponds or lakes. Yeast Infection smells bad and ears are often the target of yeast infection symptoms. If your dog's ears smell bad even after swimming, this could be a sign of yeast infections.

Ears naturally have some good bacteria to fight off ear infections, but when there is an overgrowth caused by moist ears from water exposure it can make them more vulnerable to developing yeast infections inside their ears.

Dogs with floppy ears such as Cocker Spaniels will likely get ear infections because moisture gets stuck in their ears more easily than other breeds, which makes them prone to any type of bacterial or fungal growth including Candida albicans that causes yeast infection.

If you notice your dog's ears emitting a strong odor, this could be a yeast infection. They might also be shaking their heads or scratching excessively at their ears as well. Their ears will likely look red and swollen inside the canal with white flakes that resemble dandruff in them as well. Call Your Vet Immediately.

How Fix Stinky Dog Ears

Ears need care and attention, especially if a dog spends a lot of time outdoors or has floppy ears as most hounds do. Here are some tips on what you can do about your pooch's smelly ears.

You should begin by taking him or her to the vet for an ear checkup, which will include checking their ears for mites, ticks, yeast growths, and other potential causes of unpleasant odors emanating from within those furry flaps.

The doctor may also clean out any debris that might be causing the odor as well as prescribe medication in case there is a bacterial infection going on inside poor Fido’s head. Keep your hands away from your dog's ears unless they are entirely scrupulous about having you touch them.

A good rule of thumb is that your hands should not go near your dog's ears until they have had a chance to shake off the water after bathing or swimming. This is because our hands contain natural oils and bacteria which can irritate ears so it is best for dogs with stinky ears to avoid contact with human skin as much as possible.

As well, if your pet’s ear smells bad on the first examination, then do not attempt to clean inside its canal without consulting an expert first since many people end up doing more harm than good by trying this at home.

If any debris comes out when cleaning your dog's ears make sure you wipe away all traces of it using a cotton ball.

Finally, if ears are already infected with yeast or bacteria then cleaning will only make the problem worse so leave this part of dog care to professionals who can clean ears without hurting them more than they already have been over time due to neglect.

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