The Wild Earth Effect: Customer Survey Results
When we created the world’s first high-protein plant-based dog food in 2019, we knew a lot of dog lovers would be switching from a meat-based diet to Wild Earth.
In March 2020, we decided to ask over 3,000 of our customers how their dogs were doing on a plant-based diet. We asked about taste, energy, joint health, digestion, stool quality, and 425 dog parents completed the detailed survey.
The results were overwhelmingly positive: 77% had been feeding a meat-based dog food and 86% of them reported a positive health benefit for their dog after switching to Wild Earth!
After switching to Wild Earth:
- Over 50% saw an improvement in their dog’s skin and coat.
- 43% saw a reduction in itching and scratching.
- 54% saw an improvement in their dog’s poop.
- 41% saw a reduction in their dog’s gas.
- 26% saw an improvement in joint health.
- 44% saw an improvement in energy levels.
- 41% saw an improvement in appetite.
- 40% saw an improvement in breath and odor.
“Tastes great!”
We set out to create the healthiest – and tastiest – dog food possible free of animal products. We knew our unique blend of koji and yeast proteins delivered a delicious and savory flavor that dogs loved in our testing phase - and it turns out our customers’ dogs did too!
When we asked, “How does your dog like the taste of Wild Earth?” over 67% replied “Loved it!” and another 25% “Likes it.” That’s about 92% that favor our distinctive flavor, and only 6.2% said “It’s okay” and 1.9% “Doesn’t like it.”
As a veterinarian, a dog food that generates a positive acceptability response in 9 out of 10 dogs is a winner to me!
Digestion, Stool Consistency, and “Gas”
One of the most common questions we get about feeding a dog a plant-based diet is about digestibility. Some dog parents are still concerned that their dog needs animal meat to be healthy. The fact is dogs are omnivores and can thrive on a complete and balanced meat-free food. It’s important to remember that ingredients, such as meats or vegetables, are simply “nutrient vessels” that supply the building blocks for growth and health. A dog’s body doesn’t care where these nutrients, including amino acids, fats, minerals, or vitamins, originate. Through digestion, the body is able to unlock the nutrients contained within ingredients, and then use those nutrients to maintain, repair, build, or protect the body.
One indicator of digestibility is stool quality and consistency. Over half of our survey respondents reported their dog’s stool consistency was “improved” or “very improved” after feeding Wild Earth. In fact, nearly 20% ranked their dog’s poop as “very improved.”
When we asked our customers if they’d noticed a change in their dog’s “gas,” about 40% shared their dog’s flatulence was “improved” or “very improved” after switching from their regular dog food to Wild Earth.
The improvements in stool consistency and digestion are most likely due to our unique blend of nutritious dietary fibers. Most animal meat diets are lacking in fiber, a key nutrient for long term health and disease prevention. A key distinct advantage of our plant-based formula is that it contains optimal levels of healthy dietary fibers, including immune-boosting beta-glucans. In fact, our unique formula is higher than the majority of meat- or plant-based dog foods when it comes to these unique dietary fibers.
Allergies, Skin and Coat Health
Food allergies are the third leading cause of chronic allergies in dogs, following flea bite and seasonal allergies. Animal products, such as beef, dairy and chicken top the list of food allergens for dogs. Would switching to a diet free from the most common food allergens reduce itching and allergies in food allergic dogs? Let’s see what our customers said about their dog’s skin and coat after feeding Wild Earth for several months.
Almost half of our survey respondents reported their dog’s skin and coat was “very improved” or “improved” after switching to plant-based Wild Earth dog food. Only 1% of dogs were reported as “a bit worse” or “much worse.”
Over 43% responded that their dog’s “itching and scratching from allergies” was “very improved” or “improved.
These findings are easier to understand: By eliminating animal products from your dog’s food, you reduce the risk of food allergies. It is important to keep in mind that those that did not see an improvement may have been dogs that had another type of allergy.
In addition, our plant-based dog food boasts higher omega-3 fatty acids, a key nutrient for skin and coat health, than most meat and plant-based dog foods. Veterinarians often recommend adding additional omega-3’s to an allergic dog’s diet to help reduce itching and heal damaged skin. Wild Earth uses a pure, animal-free algal source to fortify our dog food with these essential omega fatty acids.
Joint Health
Joint health is a key concern for both dog parents and veterinarians. Almost 40% of our survey dogs were over 8 years old, making them prime candidates for painful arthritis. Would ditching meats help improve their joint health? Would the addition of joint-healthy nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids aid ailing joints? Over 26% reported their dog’s joint health was “very improved” or “improved” after feeding Wild Earth. While our dog food isn’t designed as a therapeutic arthritis diet, it’s reassuring to know that many dog parents are seeing improvements in their dog’s joint health.
Energy Level and Appetite
The ultimate measure of good health is energy and vitality. While these assessments are purely subjective, it’s an important signal of overall health. Of course, if a dog’s appetite is poor, no diet can help. What did our customers have to say about energy and appetite?
Over 44% reported their dog’s energy level was “very improved” or “improved” after going plant-based.41% saw an improvement in appetite. There are many potential explanations for these observations. First, we know dogs love our food’s savory flavor. Next, by eliminating animal meats and byproducts, we’re feeding a “cleaner” diet. Finally, feeding a higher protein, higher dietary fiber dog food can promote leaner body mass, weight loss, and boost the immune system (don’t forget those beta-glucans!).
Breath and Odor
Periodontal disease affects over 80% of all adult dogs. Bad breath (halitosis) can be an indicator of periodontal disease in dogs. Our food isn’t formulated as a dental diet, but we wanted to ask people who had fed their dog Wild Earth for several months if they noticed any changes in breath odor.
40% reported an improvement in their dog’s breath and odor. This may be due to the elimination of animal products, the increased dietary fibers, or a combination of factors. Whatever the reason, that was an interesting finding I wanted to share.
Make the Switch
We feel we’ve made an excellent alternative to meat-based dog foods as well as the best plant-based diet possible. Our clean protein dog food includes natural ingredients such as blueberries, sweet potatoes, spinach, and other healthy options to have your dog living their best life. If your dog doesn’t love our food or you don’t see an advantage in feeding a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly, and compassionate dog food, simply let us know and we’ll refund your purchase. We stand by our 100% happiness guarantee because we know the benefits it can provide to dogs around the world.
How long should you feed Wild Earth to see the positive results?
As with any new diet, we recommend transitioning your dog to Wild Earth over at least 7-10 days. Once they are eating 100% Wild Earth, it takes at least 2 - 3 MONTHS for your dog to experience the full benefit of their new nutrition. The best kind of diet will show in your pet’s appearance, resulting in a healthy body weight, nourished skin, and a shiny coat, on top of minimal stomach upsets and good stool quality! If you are one of those pet parents that chose Wild Earth because your dog has food allergies, make sure you have eliminated all animal-based products given as treats or supplements, and have your vet address any possible infection your dog may have. Once you have, you should expect to see allergy relief in about two to three months.