Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Are They Good For Dogs?
Strawberries make for a delicious and nutritious snack for humans, and they're even better when they're part of a sweet treat like a pie or pastry. The versatile fruit can be bought at the store or even grown in your own garden at home. Since strawberries are so widespread — especially in the warmer months, when they're in season — it's likely that your dog might encounter a strawberry at some point or another.
We know that some fruits and veggies — grapes, cherries, onions, or mushrooms, for example — aren't safe choices for Fido. So you would be right to think twice before slipping your dog a strawberry, because it's always best to play it safe.
So, can dogs eat strawberries? Or do they present a health hazard to your dog's diet??
Read on for a closer look at the benefits of strawberries, when strawberries might pose a threat, and how feed strawberries to your dog.
Can Dogs Eat Strawberries?
Yes, dogs can eat strawberries and they are a healthy and nutritious snack for your dog. As long as you feed your dog fresh strawberries in moderation, cutting them into bite-sized chunks and watching for any sign of an allergic reaction, your dog will be fine. Try substituting your dog's normal treats occasionally with a strawberry — it's a good way to spice things up for your canine friend while providing a little nutrition boost at the same time. Giving your dog fruit such as strawberries or other berries can help to introduce beneficial vitamins and minerals to your dogs diet. Yes dogs can eat most fruits but there are some fruits that can be toxic to dogs so you must be prepared.
The Health Benefits of Strawberries For Dogs
Strawberries can prove beneficial for your dog in several ways. They're a good source of vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B6, and vitamin K, as well as fiber, potassium, omega–3 fatty acids, magnesium, iodine, and folic acid. These vitamins and minerals are helpful for immune system function and cell repair, and fiber aids in digestion while fatty acids improve your pooch's skin and coat health.
Strawberries are also a very low-calorie fruit, so your pup isn't likely to gain weight just from eating them. They have a fairly high water content, too, which never hurts. The Vitamin C content makes this a great snack that can help to comfort an upset stomach and help to improve your dog's immune system. Additional minerals, vitamins, and nutrients found in strawberries have also been found to help fight cancer, minimize the risk of bladder stones, settle gastrointestinal upset stomachs, and can also help to promote a healthy heart for your dog.
All in all, strawberries can work well as an occasional substitute for your dog's normal treats if you'd like to switch it up every now and then. In the same way that they can serve as a healthy snack for humans, so it is for your canine friend. Strawberries can be very healthy for your dog if given to them in moderation.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you should feed your dog a bunch of strawberries indiscriminately without putting any thought into it. Strawberries, like many human foods, come with a few risks. A healthy treat should taste good for your dog, improve your dog's health, shouldn't cause intestinal blockage, and should provide healthy nutrients. Fruits and vegetables can make a perfect snack as most fruits contain important vitamins that can improve your dog's immune system and improve any digestive issues that they may have.
The Risks of Feeding Your Dog Strawberries

The occasional fresh strawberry won't cause your dog any harm. But keep in mind that strawberries can actually harm your dog in the following cases.
Feeding Your Dog Too Many Strawberries
Strawberries, like many fruits, have a high sugar content. But a lot of sugar isn't good for your pooch. So, don't let your dog eat too many strawberries at once, because it might make him or her sick. It's best to stick to only a few strawberries at a time.
Canned Strawberries
If fresh strawberries are safe for your dog in moderation, are canned strawberries fine? Absolutely not. Strawberries — or fruit of any kind — that has been canned, sugared, and packed in syrup is never safe for your dog. The sugar content is just too high, and these foods might have added preservatives and sweeteners like xylitol that are downright toxic for Fido. Some brands of canned strawberries will contained naturally occurring xylitol which isn't the best option and can impact your dog's teeth or cause stomach upset cases in some dogs or can give the fruit a bitter taste that your dog won't like. Some canned strawberries will also contain oxalic acid and have an added sodium content compared to natural strawberries which is known to be high in fiber.
Strawberries in Sweets
Never feed your dog sweets that contain strawberries, like strawberry pie or baked pastries. Even if they're made with fresh strawberries, they contain too much sugar and fat to be safe for your dog. There is a lot of misinformation about what food is safe for dogs and what could cause your dog an upset stomach. It is important to review what your dog eats and only feed them food that is safe for dogs and often times strawberries in sweets are covered in sugar which isn't good for dogs, especially smaller dogs. You don't want to give your dog too much sugar and should only give your dog small quantities of new foods to make sure that it is a healthy option for them.
Choking Hazard
Strawberries are fairly mushy and are easily chewed, but they can still present a choking hazard. This is especially likely if your pup is the type to swallow his dog treats whole. Don't run the risk of choking — try cutting fresh strawberries into smaller bits, especially if you have a smaller dog. You can also puree strawberries or mash them up and feed them to your dog that way.
Frozen strawberries are okay if you give them to your dog one at a time, but never allow him or her to chow down on a handful. This runs the risk of choking. It's more likely that your dog will enjoy a slice of fresh strawberry, anyway.
Allergic Reactions To Strawberries
Remember: As is the case with just about any food, it's possible for your dog to be allergic to strawberries. Allergic reactions to strawberries aren't very common, but it can happen. If you notice any kind of adverse reaction after giving your dog a strawberry, call your veterinarian right away for help. Dog owners must have a good idea of what food their dog is allergic too as well as know what human foods your dog can safely eat and what food is toxic to dogs. It is your responsibility to keep your dog safe and to understand what your dogs can eat or what is safe for dogs.
How to Feed Your Dog Strawberries

All things considered, adding the occasional strawberry to your dog's diet is a good way to switch up their routine and give them a little added nutrition at the same time. So how can you make sure you're giving your pup strawberries in a safe way? Here are a few basic tips on feeding your dog strawberries. These tips can also be used to feed other healthy fruits and vegetables to your dog.
- Only feed your dog fresh strawberries. Canned strawberries or strawberries packed in syrup aren't safe. Sweets that contain strawberries are a no-no, as well. And be wary of fruit salad, because it might contain sugary syrup or other ingredients that aren't good for your four-legged friend.
- Feed your dog strawberries in moderation. Don't overdo it, because strawberries have a lot of natural sugar and too much sugar can make your dog sick. As a rule of thumb, only feed your dog a few strawberries at a time.
- Cut strawberries into bite-sized pieces. Avoid the choking risk by cutting strawberries into smaller chunks, rather than feeding them to your dog whole.
Strawberries can make for a tasty treat for your dog if they are prepared correctly and are only given to your dog in moderation. Other fruits make cause intestinal blockage or can cause your dog to become dehydrated. But strawberry makes for a great occasional treat and because of the anti inflammatory properties it can help improve the balanced diet of your dog.
Can All Breeds of Dogs Eat Strawberries?
Yes, it is typically considered that all breeds of dogs can safely eat strawberries in moderation. It is important to speak with your vet about your specific dog eating strawberries as some dogs may have allergies or sensitivities to fruit or other foods that contain natural sugar or fiber. If you do decide to give your dog strawberries for the first time, it is recommended that you only give them a small amount and monitor how they react to the new snack.
How To Make Dog Treats With Strawberries
If you want to make your dog a treat that contains strawberries then you can try a few different recipes. One way is to make your dog some raw strawberry slices. If you want to bake a strawberry treat for your dog you can think about creating a dog biscuit that contains strawberries, oats, peanut butter, and a small amount of flour into a bowl. Once you mix it up you can bake it in the oven in order to provide your dog with a tasty DIY dog bone made with strawberries. The overall size of your dog will impact how you make strawberry treats for your dog and how much they can eat. Larger dogs will be able to eat more snacks compared to small dogs. But feeding your dog too many snacks, even if they are healthy snacks, can cause weight gain and stomach pain for your dog.
Why Does My Dog Play With Strawberries?
Sometimes if your dog has never had a strawberry before then they will decide to play with it or carry it around the house before actually eating it. This is typically because the smell, taste, and texture of the strawberry is new to them. This could also mean that the dog doesn't particularly enjoy the taste of the strawberry but usually they will leave it alone all together if that is the case.
Why Do Dogs Like Strawberries?
Most dogs seem to really enjoy the taste of strawberries as well as the soft texture that a strawberry provides. This is the same as for humans as most humans enjoy the taste of strawberries and the texture is great for all individuals as well as babies and individuals with teeth issues.
How Much Strawberries Can A Dog Eat?
When measuring how much strawberries to give to your dog, it is important to keep in mind the weight and activity level of your dog. Strawberries contain natural sugar so it is recommended to only give your dog a small amount of fruit in one sitting. For small dog breeds, it is better to start with only one strawberry in one sitting and it is important to cut the strawberry into small pieces for your dog. Medium sized dog breeds or larger dog breeds can have multiple strawberries in one sitting but it is still recommended that you cut the strawberry into small pieces so the fruit isn't a choking hazard for your dog.
Are Frozen Strawberries Good For Dogs?
Frozen strawberries can be a great summer time treat for dogs that will be tasty and help keep them cool! Your dog may prefer the frozen texture of frozen strawberries compared to normal strawberries but this will depend on the preference of your pup. Similarly with all types of strawberries, it is recommend that you clean and prepare the strawberry correctly. It is also recommended that you cut the frozen strawberry into smaller pieces so it is easier and safer for your dog to eat. Fresh or frozen strawberries can be high in sugar content if your dog eats a lot of them but when fed in moderation most fruits will be a great source of additional vitamins and nutrients.
Why Won't My Dog Eat A Strawberry?
Many dogs absolutely love the flavor and texture of strawberries, but there are some dogs who just don't like strawberries. This could be that they don't like how they taste, they don't like the texture, or maybe they don't like the smell of them. If this is the case, there are many other fruits and vegetables that you can provide for your dog. You can also try to give your dog a strawberry in a different form such as frozen strawberries, mashed, diced, or baking a strawberry and peanut butter cookie for them.
Is It Safe For A Dog To Eat Strawberries?
Yes, strawberries are typically thought to be safe for dogs to eat as long as they aren't eaten in excess. Strawberries as well as other types of fruits contain natural sugar called fructose but they also contain fiber. Both of these components can be beneficial for the health of your dog but can cause issues if your dog eats too much of them. If your dog eats too many strawberries in one sitting it could cause an upset stomach or maybe even diarrhea. Too much sugar, even if it is natural sugar, along with fiber can be beneficial in moderation but can lead to an upset stomach if eaten in excess.
Can Dogs Eat Other Kinds of Berries Other Than Strawberries?
You might wonder about other kinds of berries and whether or not they're safe for dogs. The answer, unfortunately, isn't one-size-fits-all. Some berries, like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries, are safe and nutritious for our canine companions. But other kinds of berries — juniper berries or other berries with pits, for instance — can be hazardous.
The same goes for all kinds of fruits. Some, like bananas, apples, and watermelon, are decent choices for your pup. A pitted fruit (like a peach) is okay as long as your dog doesn't eat the pit itself. But other fruits, such as grapes and cherries, are toxic and should be avoided at all costs.
Check out our guide to fruits and vegetables for dogs to find out if a certain food is safe for your pooch. And always, always call your veterinarian before feeding your dog a fruit or human food of any kind that you're unsure about. That way, you know definitively whether or not it's a good idea.
Remember to use caution with other fruits, though, because not all of them are as good for your dog as the strawberry. Play it safe and check with your vet before giving your dog any new food.