Fruits and Vegetables Dogs Can and Can't Eat
Written By: Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA | Professional Services Veterinarian, Wild Earth
It’s always tempting to give your canine companion a little taste of whatever it is you’re eating. After all, it’s hard to resist those imploring eyes and that wagging tail. Of course, some human foods are better for dogs than others. Your dog is an omnivore, so they can enjoy foods from both animal and plant sources.
What Plant Sources Are Safe For Dogs?
It simply depends on the fruit or vegetable. Some can serve as a healthy snack and act as a good source of nutrients — and others are downright dangerous for your canine friend. This guide to fruits and vegetables for dogs will help you sort out which produce items you can feed to your fur baby, but as with all new foods, we recommend consulting your veterinarian before feeding them. Also, please remember that foods other than your dog’s complete and balanced food should only make up 10% of their diet- this includes fruits and veggies!
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What Fruits Are Best for Dogs?
There are a variety of different fruits that dogs can eat safely, and many of them can actually provide your dog with health benefits, by offering additional nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is important to only give your dog fruits in moderation, and to start slowly to make sure they don’t have a negative reaction when you give them a new type of food. Additionally, keep in mind that fruits can be high in sugar and calories, so make sure not to overfeed as consuming too many calories can lead to obesity.
Fruits Dogs Can Eat
There are a variety of different fruits that dogs can eat safely and many of them can actually provide your dog with additional vitamins and nutrients. It is important to only give your dog fruits in moderation and to start slowly to make sure they don't have a negative reaction when you give them a new type of food.
Below is a list of fruits that are safe for dogs to eat:
Yes, dogs can eat blueberries. Blueberries are considered a superfood as they provide maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calories! They contain antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals that can damage DNA and cause inflammation. They also boost the immune system, and contain plenty of vitamin C. This is why we use blueberries in our dog food. You can also try substituting some of your dog’s normal treats with the occasional blueberry.
Yes, dogs can eat cranberries, but they may not like the tart flavor. Moderation is key as too many cranberries can cause your dog to have an upset stomach.
Yes, dogs can eat bananas. They provide plenty of beneficial nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and biotin. Like many fruits, bananas have high sugar content, so they should be given in moderation.
Yes, dogs can eat apples. Apples are a common snack for dogs as they provide fiber, vitamin A, and Vitamin C. Make sure to only feed your dog apple slices without seeds and without the apple core.
Yes, dogs can eat avocado, but it is best if they are only given in moderation as they are calorie dense. The avocado pulp contains healthy fats, specifically omega-3 fatty acids, which can help improve your dog’s skin and coat. Avocado pits, skins, and leaves, on the other hand, contain persin, which can be toxic to your dog. For this reason, it is only recommended that you give your dog the pulp(soft part) of the avocado, and not the pits, skin, or leaves.
Yes, dogs can eat cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is high in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, calcium, and zinc to name a few. Cantaloupe also has a high water content, so in addition to providing vitamins and minerals, they help to hydrate your pup. Lastly, this fruit is low in calories, but does contain natural sugar so it should be given to dogs in moderation. When feeding cantaloupe to your dog you should remove the rind as well as the inside core and seeds. Dogs should only eat the soft inside part of the fruit.
Yes, dogs can eat honeydew safely. Honeydew is made up of up to 90% water which makes them a great source of hydration for your dog. When feeding honeydew to your dog you should remove the rind as well as the inside core and seeds. Dogs should only eat the soft inside part of the fruit.
Yes, dogs can eat mangoes. Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamins C, A, B6, and E, which makes them a nutritious treat. The pit, like the peach, contains small amounts of cyanide, and can pose a choking hazard so always remove it before feeding. . The skin, although edible, may be difficult to digest. As you may have guessed by how sweet they are, mangoes are high in sugar so remember: Keep the portion size small.
Yes, dogs can eat oranges. The orange is one of the best citrus fruits for dogs as long as you get rid of the peel and seeds, which can cause digestive problems. Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.
Yes, dogs can eat kiwi, but they should only consume the soft inside of the fruit and not the skin of the kiwi. Kiwi should only be given in moderation because of its high natural sugar and fiber levels. In small amounts, kiwi can be a great source of additional vitamins and minerals.
Yes, dogs can eat peaches. The fruity flesh of the peach is safe for your dog and provides nutrients like vitamin A and fiber. The pit is dangerous, though, as it contains a sugar-cyanide known as amygdalin that can prove toxic to dogs. Canned peaches have too much sugar, so you should avoid them.
Yes, dogs can eat pears. Pears are high in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, iron, copper, and magnesium. It is important to remove the seeds and the core before feeding to your dog, and to only offer small slices of this sweet fruit.
Yes, dogs can eat pineapple, but only the soft inside part of the fruit and never the tough outside peel. Pineapple is not only a tasty snack, but also contains high amounts of beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Yes, dogs can eat raspberries. Raspberries are not only a sweet treat for your pup, but also add antioxidants and minerals to your dog’s diet. The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit can be beneficial for older dogs or those who struggle with joint pain.
Yes, dogs can eat strawberries. Strawberries are one of the most common fruits given to dogs as treats because they are not only delicious, but they also contain beneficial nutrients such as fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and more!
Yes, dogs can eat watermelon as long as they avoid the seeds and the rind of the watermelon. Watermelon is made up of mostly water which makes it a great snack that can hydrate your dog also! Watermelon can be frozen during the summer to provide a uniquely textured treat that your dog will love.
Try Wild Earth Dog Food 30% Off TodayFruits Your Dog Should Avoid
There are some fruits that your dog should avoid because they could potentially be dangerous for your dog's health or because they don't provide any beneficial nutrients to your dog's diet.
Below is a list of fruits that your dog shouldn't eat:
No, dogs should not eat cherries. The pits, stems, and leaves of cherries contain cyanide, which is potentially toxic to dogs.. Most dogs probably won’t go after these tart fruits, but it’s always best to be cautious and keep them out of reach
No, dogs should never eat grapes. Grapes and their dried counterparts, raisins, are toxic to dogs. It remains unknown exactly why these fruits can prove poisonous, and even deadly, to some dogs, and so it is best to keep all grapes out of reach. Clinical signs of grape and raisin toxicity include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, problems with urine production, and kidney failure.
If you know or suspect that your dog has been eating grapes or raisins, contact your local animal poison control center to find out how to proceed. Activated charcoal may need to be given to slow the toxin’s absorption in the stomach, and intravenous fluids may be necessary to prevent complete renal failure. Seek immediate treatment so your dog can have the best prognosis.
No, dogs should not eat tomatoes. There is a debate over whether tomatoes are considered a fruit or a vegetable. Either way, it’s potentially dangerous for our canine companions. The stem and leaves of the tomato plant are the most hazardous, as they contain a toxin called solanine. To be safe, don’t feed your dog tomatoes.

What Vegetables are Safe for Dogs?
There are a few vegetables that are quite good for dogs, and some of them may even be included in certain varieties of dog food. It is important to pay attention to how vegetables are prepared before they’re given to dogs. You do not want to prepare them with spices, including salt, or too much oil. And remember: It’s important that you don’t go overboard on portion size with any vegetable, as large amounts of any food that your dog isn’t used to can lead to stomach upset, vomiting, or diarrhea.
The Best Vegetables for Dogs
There are a few vegetables that are quite good for dogs, and some of them may even be included in certain varieties of dog food. Some of the best vegetables for dogs are:
Yes, dogs can eat peas. Most types of peas including green peas, snap peas, sugar peas, snow peas, and garden peas should be safe for your dog as long as they are cleaned and properly served. Peas can provide protein, fiber, and multiple different vitamins to your dog. Avoid feeding any canned peas as they can be high in sodium.
Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin. Even after Halloween jack-o-lanterns are long gone, pumpkin puree is commonly given to dogs suffering from diarrhea, because it helps with digestion thanks to its high fiber content. Pumpkin is a great source of vitamin C, vitamins A and E, iron, dietary fiber, and potassium. Avoid pumpkin pie filling as it has added sugars and seasonings that can disturb the digestive system — it is best to stick to pure canned pumpkin to maintain your dog’s digestive health.
Sweet Potato
Yes, dogs can eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes can be a great source of healthy fiber, calcium, protein, and vitamin A. Potatoes typically contain larger amounts of calories compared to other vegetables so it is recommended that you only feed your dog small amounts of sweet potatoes.
Yes, dogs can eat beets. Beets can be a safe vegetable to give your dog and can provide a wide variety of additional vitamins and nutrients to their diet. Before feeding, they should be cooked (roasted or steamed) without seasoning until tender to make them easy to chew. Avoid feeding canned beets as they can be high in sodium. Beets contain high amounts of Vitamin C, Manganese, potassium, folate, and more.
Bell Peppers
Yes, dogs can eat bell peppers as long as they are clean and the stem and seeds are removed. Bell peppers can provide high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and other nutrients. It is important that the bell peppers don’t have any additional seasonings or ingredients that could be dangerous for your dog.
Brussels Sprouts
Yes, dogs can eat brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are low in calories and loaded with vitamins A, C, B1, B6, fiber, and antioxidants. They’re as good for your dog as they are for you! Try steaming or boiling brussels sprouts for your dog, making sure to let them cool before feeding them to your dog. And don’t overdo it — even a small amount can cause your pup to have gas, and too many can make your pup sick.
Yes, dogs can eat carrots. Carrots are safe for your dog to eat, and they work well as a low-calorie snack. Plus, carrots provide a good source of vitamin A, fiber, and potassium. Just make sure you cut carrots into bite-sized pieces to avoid the choking hazard when feeding them to Fido.
Yes, dogs can eat cauliflower and, in fact, it is a great source of fiber, calcium, folate, potassium, and vitamin C. It is best to give your dog raw cauliflower or steamed cauliflower. Do not add any spices or seasoning to cauliflower as that can be dangerous for your dog.
Yes, dogs can eat celery. Celery is another good choice if you’re trying to substitute regular dog treats for something that is low in calories. Celery is low in fat and cholesterol but high in vitamins C and A, potassium, and folate. Remember to cut celery up into small chunks so it’s safe for your dog.
Yes, dogs can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers are mostly water, so they make a tasty, crunchy, low-calorie treat for dogs. They’re especially helpful for dogs who need to lose weight..
Yes, dogs can eat edamame as long as it doesn’t contain added salt or other ingredients that can be dangerous for dogs. Plain edamame can provide your dog with additional nutrients such as protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Dogs who are allergic to soya should not be fed edamame.
Yes, dogs can eat lettuce. Lettuce is over 90% water so it can be a great low-calorie treat especially for overweight dogs. Many dogs seem to love the crunch involved with lettuce and the overall texture.
Yes, dogs can eat zucchini. Zucchini can be a good alternative for dogs who have a sensitive stomach as it is low in acidity and is made up of a large percentage of water. The vegetable can provide a tasty snack for your dog and provide them with additional vitamins and minerals.
Yes, dogs can eat corn. Corn is often included in pet food and it can offer some nutritional value. Just like the other vegetables in this category, though, it’s important to keep the portion size small. Never let your dog eat corn on the cob because dogs can easily choke on corn cobs.
Green Beans
Yes, dogs can eat green beans. Green beans offer plenty of nutrients like vitamin K, vitamins C, A, and B6, and fiber. When preparing green beans for your dog, make sure to avoid spices and seasonings. If you want to give your dog green beans, make sure they’re plain and cut them into bite-sized chunks.
Vegetables That Are Just Okay For Dogs
There are some vegetables that your dog can eat but they don’t typically provide your dog with many meaningful health benefits
Yes, dogs can eat asparagus, but it doesn’t typically provide many nutrients to their diet. Raw asparagus can be difficult or unsafe to consume..
Yes, dogs can eat broccoli in moderation when prepared correctly. Broccoli is easy for dogs to choke on, and broccoli florets are known to cause gastric irritation in some dogs. In very small amounts, broccoli can work as an occasional treat, and is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin C.
Yes, dogs can eat cabbage. Cabbage can provide dogs with antioxidants, vitamins, and additional minerals. But it is worth noting that some dogs will experience gas or an upset stomach if they eat too much cabbage.
Yes, dogs can eat radishes as long as it is done in moderation. Radishes can provide your dog with fiber, potassium, and Vitamin C. Some dogs may experience gas or an upset stomach if they eat too many radishes which is why it is only recommended to give them to your dog in moderation.
Add Superfood Nutrients To Your Dog's DietVegetables That Dogs Should Avoid
There are a handful of vegetables that your dog shouldn't eat because they could be dangerous for their health or because they don't provide any nutritional benefit to your dog.
Below is a list of vegetables that your dog should not eat:
Any home cook loves chopping up some fresh garlic or adding garlic powder to a dish. There are benefits of garlic for us humans, but that is not the case for your pup. Garlic is found in the same plant family as onions, the Allium family, which includes garlic and onions, chives, leeks, scallions, and shallots, all of which are toxic to dogs. Even small amounts of garlic are toxic.. Japanese dogs like the Shiba Inu are even more sensitive to garlic toxicity than American dogs or other breed families. If dogs eat garlic, they should be taken to the vet immediately.
No, dogs should not eat pickles. Pickles may be fine for your dog in moderation but since many pickles contain large amounts of sodium and are typically acidic, it isn’t recommended to give your dog pickles.
No, dogs should not eat onions. Onions are some of the most dangerous vegetables out there for our canine companions. They’re toxic to dogs because they cause oxidative hemolysis of the red blood cells. This means that they damage your pet’s red blood cells, possibly resulting in anemia.
No, dogs should not eat mushrooms. While, white, cooking mushrooms may be safe for dogs to eat, wild mushrooms can be dangerous for your dog to eat. This is why it is important to watch what your dog is eating especially during damp periods when wild mushrooms may grow outside.
Feeding Your Dog Fruits and Vegetables
Here’s the bottom line when it comes to feeding your dog fruits and vegetables: Check with your veterinarian first to make sure that it’s a safe choice for your pooch and keep the portion size small. Remember that large quantities of new foods, no matter what they are, can make almost any dog sick. Once it’s been cleared with your vet, safe fruits and veggies are a great way to provide your beloved pet with a fun snack, and some extra nutrition at the same time.