5 Surprising Dog Facts That You Wish You Knew Sooner
Dogs have been considered our best friends for thousands of years, offering unconditional love, loyalty, and even protection. While many of us consider ourselves well-versed in the ways of dogs, there’s always more to learn about these amazing creatures.

Dog Knowledge

Dog Coughing: Reasons Your Dog Is Coughing
You've probably heard your dog cough before. It's a part of life for our canine friends, just like it is for you. But not all coughs are created equal. Depending on what your dog's cough sounds like and what is causing it, coughing could be nothing to worry about, or it could be something serious.
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Can Dogs Eat Avocado? Benefits and Risks of Avocado for Dogs
With all of the avocado floating around in the past few years, it's safe to say that your dog might get his or her paws on the stuff at some point. But is avocado safe for dogs?
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Do Dogs Sweat? How Your Canine Friend Cools Off
When you exert physical effort, your body produces sweat. As sweat on your skin evaporates, it helps cool your body down. It's a natural part of life for humans, but what about our canine companions?
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Can Dogs Have Cinnamon? Is It Good For Dogs?
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Why Do Dogs Pant?
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