5 Tricks To Teach Your Dog On National Pet Tricks Day
Written by: Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA | Professional Services Veterinarian, Wild Earth
Today is Pet Tricks Day, and there is no better way to celebrate than by teaching your pup a new trick… and yes you can teach an old dog new tricks!
Teaching your dog new tricks will not only provide some great one-on-one time to bond but has the added benefit of keeping them mentally stimulated. They will also love the treats that come along with training!
Before you begin, make sure to have low-calorie, healthy treats on hand. Our Wild Earth treats are perfect for training as they are only 15 calories each, and can be easily broken into four pieces. They are made from high-quality, superfood ingredients such as oats, flaxseeds, strawberries, and bananas. Your pup will be a quick learner just to get a bite of one of our three flavors - Strawberry & Beet, Banana & Cinnamon, and Peanut Butter.
Try Wild Earth Dog Treats Today!Keep in mind that some dogs may take longer than others to learn a command, and it is important never to punish, but instead to reward wanted behaviors. Keep training sessions around 10 minutes long. When using treats as a reward for a wanted behavior, it is important to give them a treat quickly so they can associate that behavior with receiving food, and to repeat the command word.
Here are 5 easy tricks you can teach your dog today:
- Kiss - This is one of my personal favorites! Training your dog to kiss is one of the easiest tricks to teach. Start by holding a treat up to your cheek, and say “kiss.” Once your dog either touches your cheek with their nose or gives you a nice wet lick, give the treat. Asides from getting licks on demand, an added benefit of teaching your dog to kiss on cue is that this can help prevent unwanted licking.
- Down - While your dog is sitting, hold a treat tightly in your hand in front of their face. Once they have sniffed it, bring your hand towards the floor while saying “down.” Your dog will be inclined to follow your hand with his face and lay down. Once they lay down, give the treat immediately.
- Spin - Start by holding a treat in front of your pup’s nose and slowly moving it towards the side. Once they start to turn their head to follow the treat, continue in a circle while saying “spin.” Give a treat immediately once they complete the circle. You can follow this with a “good spin.”
- Rollover - This is a great trick to teach once your dog has mastered “down.” Start with your dog in a down position, and hold a treat near their nose. Move the treat towards their shoulder, and their nose will follow. Once they lay on their side make sure to praise them and give them a treat! Continue building on to the command until they completely roll over, saying “roll” and giving them a tasty treat.
- Shake - Begin with your dog in the sitting position, and hold a treat in a closed fist in front of them, leaving your other hand free. Tap one of your dog's front paws with your free hand. Typically dogs will raise their paw to get the treat, and as they do catch it with your free hand. Repeat “shake” and give them the treat.
As with anything, practice makes perfect! Don’t expect your dog to get it on the first try and keep practicing until they have mastered the trick.
By: Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD. cVMA | Professional Services Veterinarian, Wild Earth

Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva, VMD, cVMA
Dr. Tiffany Ruiz Dasilva is the Professional Services Veterinarian here at Wild Earth. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Brown University, and attended veterinary school at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, she has worked in general practice, on telehealth platforms, and in animal rehabilitation. She has worked tirelessly to gain expertise in the field of canine nutrition through numerous certifications and coursework, and plans to pursue her Masters in Animal Nutrition.